breadcrumbs in navbar

As I was looking through some of the Hyperkitty redesigns, I noticed that there were different versions of the breadcrumbs in the navbar. One version looks like this: Another version looks like this: In my working branch, I've modified the latter version to look like this: The change was partially because due to the fact that on some screens, the breadcrumbs can be extremely long. For example, see this page: My thought was by aligning the breadcrumbs on the left margin, we'd get more space for potentially long strings. Of course, it's still…Read more …

first pull request!

I'm a bit late to posting this, but I recently joined the latest group of OPW interns. I'm excited to be part of the OSS community and am looking forward to do my part to contribute! My OPW project is to work on front-end design and development for Hyperkitty. One of the interesting things about the OPW application process is that you have to make an initial contribution to the project that you want to work on. After chatting with Máirín, I learned that Hyperkitty's front-end is based on Twitter's Bootstrap. We decided…Read more …

other git tips

This is mostly for my own benefit, but here are some git commands that I've found useful: simplified git log showing 1-line description of commits: git log --pretty=oneline simplified git log showing tree structure of git repo: git log --graph --simplify-by-decoration --pretty=format:'%d' --all for more complicated logs, use gitk --all deleting a local branch (in case you muck around with a branch too much and can't seem to get things to reset properly with ): git branch -d the_local_branch when doing this, make sure you're on another branch (i.e., you're not on the…Read more …

learning about git rebase and git format-patch

After reading a lot about git merge and git rebase, my takeaway is this: Use git rebase when: Working alone on a feature branch that isn't and won't be shared with anyone. Rebasing will keep your history cleaner. You're done working on a feature branch and about to integrate it into the main branch. Use rebase to sanitize your history and squash/rewrite history as needed before the 'big merge' onto the main branch. Use git merge when: Working alone on a feature branch and others may be work off of your branch. This…Read more …

pulling github back to local machine

Now that I had a clean slate in terms of my dev setup, I needed to pull my github changes back to my local machine. Currently my .git/config looked like this: [remote "origin"] url = fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* [branch "master"] remote = origin merge = refs/heads/master To pull my github changes (which I had forked from the main repo), I made these changes to .git/config: [remote "origin"] url = fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* [remote "upstream"] url = fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* [branch "master"] remote = origin merge = refs/heads/master With these changes,…Read more …