github classes

Recently, I heard about a few online tutorial/classes about git/github. I've gone through some of these and wanted to quickly jot down some thoughts: First, GitHub actually offers training classes! Just a few days ago I took their free online introductory class. It's a 1-hour class that's virtually hosted (through GoToMeeting). For the class I sat in on, two guys (Tim Berlund and Jordan McCullough) were running the show. It's pretty well put together, where one person does live coding/commands and the other fields questions in near real-time from folks who send in…Read more …

first pull request!

I'm a bit late to posting this, but I recently joined the latest group of OPW interns. I'm excited to be part of the OSS community and am looking forward to do my part to contribute! My OPW project is to work on front-end design and development for Hyperkitty. One of the interesting things about the OPW application process is that you have to make an initial contribution to the project that you want to work on. After chatting with Máirín, I learned that Hyperkitty's front-end is based on Twitter's Bootstrap. We decided…Read more …

pulling github back to local machine

Now that I had a clean slate in terms of my dev setup, I needed to pull my github changes back to my local machine. Currently my .git/config looked like this: [remote "origin"] url = fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* [branch "master"] remote = origin merge = refs/heads/master To pull my github changes (which I had forked from the main repo), I made these changes to .git/config: [remote "origin"] url = fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* [remote "upstream"] url = fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* [branch "master"] remote = origin merge = refs/heads/master With these changes,…Read more …

git/github workflow

In the past, I've only used github for personal projects, so I didn't have to deal with collaborating with other folks. Now that I'm working on an open-source project, I'm starting to get more familiar with all the cool features of git and github. So here's the scenario: Project A is on github (aka the original repo). Alice has forked Project A on github and created a branch(/patch) off of that fork. (As a side note, the branch was already sent as a pull request to the original repo, but it hasn't been…Read more …