starting from a clean slate

I'm getting back into Fedora stuff again (working on front-end dev & design for Hyperkitty). I originally submitted something for consideration back in October, but since it's been awhile, I thought I'd try to see how easy it would be to integrate my submission into the main repo via a pull request. Turns out it wasn't as easy as I had hoped. It was recommended that I do a rebase, but that ended up leading to lots of conflicts. Most likely because there had been other front-end commits before mine, which meant that…Read more …

installing apache, tomcat, and mysql on ec2

I'm a bit late jumping on the ec2 boat, but finally got around to checking out what ec2 is like and decided I'd try my hand at JSP while I'm at it. So with that in mind, I decided to go with a linux distro for my ec2 instance. For the most part, I followed these instructions to set up tomcat and mysql: that, I was up and running, I used MySQL Workbench (connecting over SSH) to setup a toy database that I could muck around with. Then I started hacking away on…Read more …

github classes

Recently, I heard about a few online tutorial/classes about git/github. I've gone through some of these and wanted to quickly jot down some thoughts: First, GitHub actually offers training classes! Just a few days ago I took their free online introductory class. It's a 1-hour class that's virtually hosted (through GoToMeeting). For the class I sat in on, two guys (Tim Berlund and Jordan McCullough) were running the show. It's pretty well put together, where one person does live coding/commands and the other fields questions in near real-time from folks who send in…Read more …

flock 2014

I recently got back from my trip to Flock, held in Prague, Czech Republic. This is the first Fedora conference I've attended and, while the memories are still somewhat fresh in my mind, I thought I'd jot down some of my thoughts & reflections about the event. I arrived the night before the conference and was pleasantly surprised to find that getting to the conference venue was pretty easy. Prague's public transit system is extremely convenient - the metro, bus, and tram system are all integrated and tickets are very affordable. Buses from the…Read more …

bootstrap v3 accordion

Was banging my head on the wall for hours trying to figure out a bug in Bootstrap's accordion component. I followed the example code in the Bootstrap doc, but for some reason, the accordion would only toggle once. So if it was initially open, then I could collapse it, but clicking on it again, wouldn't open it. If the accordion was initially closed, I could open it (once), but then clicking on it again wouldn't close it. Turns out this was the issue: The solution suggests that there's a conflict with an…Read more …