404 and 500 errors in django

Problem: Server Error 500. In the server log, all it mentions is a line that looks something like "GET / HTTP/1.1" 500 27 Potential fix: There are two potential reasons for this error. Ensure that ALLOWED_HOSTS is configured properly in the settings file. In the default settings file, there's a line for ALLOWED_HOSTS=[]. In my case, I was deploying things locally, so I edited this line to be ALLOWED_HOSTS=['127.0.01','localhost']. If you're deploying things on a specific domain, list that here. Others have suggested using ALLOWED_HOSTS=['*'], but this setting should really only be used for testing deployments, as it's not…Read more …

getting DEBUG=FALSE to work correctly

Problem: Static resources (images, js, css, etc.) lead to 404 errors. Potential fix: A similar question was posted here and here. This is actually by design, as django is not meant to server static resources when DEBUG=False. Basically, when you're in DEBUG mode, static files are being served via the staticfiles app (which uses settings like STATICFILES_DIRS and STATICFILES_FINDERS to properly locate your static resources). When DEBUG=FALSE, the staticfiles app doesn't run and your static resources aren't being referenced correctly by the django webserver. However, if you were to host the files are…Read more …

django + less, updated

In a previous post, I described how I configured the hyperkitty django project to use LESS. Briefly, my steps were: - install django-compressor, django-less, nodejs, npm, and lessc - update settings.py with configuration settings for django-compressor and django-less - restart webserver However, it turns out some of those steps are a bit outdated. First, PyPI says that django-less is not maintained and suggests using django-static-precompiler instead. Second, while LESS suggests that the easiest way to install the compiler is via npm, it is just as easy to install the LESS compiler via nodejs-less.…Read more …

list overview: other potential features?

I'm wondering if there are other worthwhile personalization features that could be added to the list overview page? For example, I've added personalized groups of discussions (bookmarked discussions, discussion you've posted to), which contrasts with the general groups of discussions (most recent discussions, most active discussions, etc.). Could we do something similar with the section for list stats? Right now, there's only general list stats - overall posting frequencies and a leader board of the top posters. Would it be meaningful to add personalized stats? Some ideas I had for this might be:…Read more …

list overview: user scenarios

As described in my previous post, I've added a "personalized" section to the list overview page. This hasn't been implemented on the backend yet, but the intention is to provide extra details for users who have logged in. The difference is just an extra group of discussion threads at the top of the page: when you're not logged in: when you're logged in: I added this section based on typical day-to-day scenarios of interacting with a mailing list. Typical scenarios for sending messages include: 1) starting a new thread, 2) replying to a…Read more …