geolocalization & gtg, take 1

Came across the GTG project and was interested in possibly doing some development on it. The first major hurdle I encountered was getting a VM setup that worked with the right libraries. Since I was interested in working on the geolocalization features in GTG, I had to install the python modules for geoclue, clutter, and champlain. Turns out I was having a hard time getting python-clutter to install because it seemed that the apt sources were from an older version of Debian (squeeze) than what I was running (wheezy). Modifying the /etc/apt/sources.list, as…Read more …

configuring 3rd party blogging software for blogger

In case anyone else had trouble searching for how to setup a 3rd party app (in my case, MarsEdit) to be used with Blogger, here's what you need to know: Blog ID: Follow these instructions to find your Blog ID. API Endpoint URL:[YourBlogID]/posts/default  Read more …

responsive design: list of lists

The landing page for hyperkitty is the list of lists page. As the name implies, this page shows a list of all the available mailman lists. Here's the current front-end for the page: In creating a responsive design for this page, I considered what kind of layout the page should have for smaller screens and decided that there were a few design changes I wanted to make: Sidebar: On wide screens, having a menus on the sides are a good utilization of what would probably just end up being whitespace. However, on smaller…Read more …

setting up hyperkitty dev environment

Stumbled across one of Fedora's app called HyperKitty and was interested in some of their UI. To get started mucking around with the code, I followed these directions to setup the dev environment. I used a Fedora 19 image running on VMWare. The only changes I needed to do were: Run all the software updates for Fedora before doing any of the dev setup steps. Set up a Launchpad account and a GitHub account Create a SSH key and add it to your accounts. To create a SSH key: # create ssh keys…Read more …

bitbucket setup

While I do have a GitHub account, I've decided to give BitBucket a try. The biggest selling point for me is that they have unlimited private repos. I still think GitHub is better for the general open source community, since more developers are on that site so it's one less account they have to create when they are contributing to a particular project. But for tinkering on small, personal projects, it seems like BitBucket is more along the lines of what I'm looking for. After creating a BitBucket account, I went ahead and…Read more …