404 and 500 errors in django

Problem: Server Error 500. In the server log, all it mentions is a line that looks something like "GET / HTTP/1.1" 500 27 Potential fix: There are two potential reasons for this error. Ensure that ALLOWED_HOSTS is configured properly in the settings file. In the default settings file, there's a line for ALLOWED_HOSTS=[]. In my case, I was deploying things locally, so I edited this line to be ALLOWED_HOSTS=['127.0.01','localhost']. If you're deploying things on a specific domain, list that here. Others have suggested using ALLOWED_HOSTS=['*'], but this setting should really only be used for testing deployments, as it's not…Read more …

responsive design: list overview

Clicking on a list on the hyperkitty's landing page will lead to the list overview page. On this page you'll see list details, such as recent discussions, popular discussions, and list statistics. The original design for the page looks like this: However, two features that aren't captured in this design is the ability to reply to a recent discussion you've posted to, or bookmarking discussions so that you can easily refer back to them. Of course, it's certainly possible for you to use the search box to find the appropriate threads, but that's…Read more …

mobile layouts

Recently I've been trying to figure out the best mobile layouts for some of the hyperkitty pages. The challenge has been that there is often a lot of content on these pages, so figuring out a clean way to display that on a small screen can be tricky. The screenshots below give you a sense of what I've been playing around with. These are for 3 different screen widths of the overview page: 320px screen width: 640px screen width: 768px screen width: The 320px is for the smallest Android screens, 640px is a…Read more …

google analytics “tracking not installed” messages

It took me ages to figure out, but it turns out that my own browser settings were causing me to keep getting the "Tracking Not Installed" messages. Other people have mentioned AdBlock being the culprit, but in my case it was the Ghostery extension, which I have installed on all of my browsers. Oops. Whitelisting my websites solved the problem - now when I go to test the tracking code on my own browser, I get "Tracking Installed" for my sites.Read more …

list overview: user scenarios

As described in my previous post, I've added a "personalized" section to the list overview page. This hasn't been implemented on the backend yet, but the intention is to provide extra details for users who have logged in. The difference is just an extra group of discussion threads at the top of the page: when you're not logged in: when you're logged in: I added this section based on typical day-to-day scenarios of interacting with a mailing list. Typical scenarios for sending messages include: 1) starting a new thread, 2) replying to a…Read more …