responsive design: hidden complexities

Working on the hyperkitty frontend has been my first foray into responsive design. Previously, when designing for mobile devices, I'd focus on native applications or do mobile-only websites (e.g., upon detecting a mobile browser, you'd be redirected to a mobile version of the website). Both of these methods have the benefit of being able to design sites/apps that are tailored very specifically for mobile devices. However, the downside is that it's yet another piece of software that has to be maintained. So that's at least one good reason for moving towards responsive web…Read more …

responsive design: list of lists

The landing page for hyperkitty is the list of lists page. As the name implies, this page shows a list of all the available mailman lists. Here's the current front-end for the page: In creating a responsive design for this page, I considered what kind of layout the page should have for smaller screens and decided that there were a few design changes I wanted to make: Sidebar: On wide screens, having a menus on the sides are a good utilization of what would probably just end up being whitespace. However, on smaller…Read more …

maintaining a clean test environment

One of the tricky things I'm discovering is keeping up with all the changes when you're working on large project. Case in point, recently I was testing out some of my frontend stuff on my local web server. I sometimes worry I've mucked around my dev box too much, so I like to have a separate box that I use as a clean test environment. When I'm using that box, I usually only pull sources down to keep everything up-to-date, but recently when I tried to do that, I ran into several problems:…Read more …

git commits: digging a bit deeper

When it comes to using git, I've mostly just learned as I go, figuring out whatever it is that I might need as the situation arise. In doing so though, I sometimes gloss over details about how things really work under the hood, so it's nice to be able to learn a bit more by going through the tutorials/videos I mentioned before. In fact, I learned that one incorrect assumption I've made up until now is that I thought that git stored commits as deltas, i.e., storing only bits that have changed from…Read more …

responsive design: list overview

Clicking on a list on the hyperkitty's landing page will lead to the list overview page. On this page you'll see list details, such as recent discussions, popular discussions, and list statistics. The original design for the page looks like this: However, two features that aren't captured in this design is the ability to reply to a recent discussion you've posted to, or bookmarking discussions so that you can easily refer back to them. Of course, it's certainly possible for you to use the search box to find the appropriate threads, but that's…Read more …